Selecting the Right Defense Attorney in Pekin IL
If facing prosecution for certain crimes you may have committed, you want to be sure you’re being treated fairly by the justice system. Often, without proper guidance, you can be taken advantage of and end up receiving a more severe punishment than you deserve. Or, if you’re innocent, it can be near impossible to prove it without some sort of assistance. However, by bringing a defense attorney in Pekin IL on your team, you can ensure your rights are upheld. Moreover, with a law firm like Brave Law Center, you can work towards reducing your sentence or proving your innocence.
At Brave Law Center, we are 100% committed to our clients. Every case we are brought, we look for the best possible outcome for those we represent. Whether that involves taking a plea bargain, negotiating for a better deal or bringing your case to court, you can count on us being there every step of the way. Moreover, Jason B. Netzley and his team have years of experience handling criminal cases throughout the Central Illinois area. We are the local lawyer residents have come to rely on.
Stepping Through the Process
No one case is the same. Each one comes with its own set of unique problems and different solutions to reach an optimal outcome. Thus, Brave Law Center does everything in its power to ensure you see that optimal outcome.
- How We Start
- We begin every case by first sitting down with our clients. First, we get to know your wants and needs, not to mention all the necessary details of your case. We see most cases as a complicated puzzle we work together to resolve. Next, we take what we know about your case and follow the leads that you have provided. This includes gathering witness testimony, police reports, physical evidence and more, so to build a complete picture of your case.
- Next Steps
- With your case built, we next talk to prosecutors involved. Often, before reaching a court, prosecutors may offer a plea deal. Such an arrangement is meant to get the defendant to plead guilty to receive a reduced sentence. It’s our job to evaluate any offersand determine if they’re truly the best course of action, based on your current case. Otherwise, we may negotiate to get a better deal for you or suggest to reject the bargain outright.
- Finalizing Your Case
- After discussing the options for your case, if we feel (and you agree) nothing presented is in your best interest, we will press on towards a court date. In this scenario, your case will either be brought before a single judge or a jury. Before a judge, we present your case in the best possible light, helping to reduce your sentence or prove your innocence. If a jury is involved, we take steps in selecting jurors that would be the most sympathetic towards your scenario.

Our Areas of Practice
As a leading local law firm for Peoria and Central Illinois, Brave Law Center takes great steps towards ensuring you are completely satisfied with your defense attorney for Pekin IL. Furthermore, we assist our clients in a variety of other practice areas, such as:
Talk with Our Team
Allow Brave Law Center to assist you with your criminal case. As a go-to defense attorney for Pekin IL residents, you can be confident in the quality of our work, helping to represent your best interests. Call us today at 309-228-9136 to request a Request Reservation. Also, our Peoria office is located at 330 NE Perry Ave, Peoria, IL 61603.