How Much Does It Cost for A Divorce Attorney in Dunlap IL?
Many clients want to find out just how much it costs to hire a Brave Law divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. However, the circumstances of each divorce case are different. A contested divorce requires much different legal services than annulments, divorce mediation, or marriage dissolutions. Too many factors can affect the true cost of a divorce. Therefore, it is impossible for a lawyer to calculate the true financial cost of a divorce until all the facts of the case get discussed.
Brave Law specializes in all matters of family law, including divorce, child custody, alimony, and child support cases. We will consult with you and work toward the best possible resolution of your case for you and your family. Do not wait to get legal representation until you after you and your ex begin arguing. Our law firm will safeguard your interests during the entire process. In addition, we can stop your ex from maneuvering to hurt your finances and parental rights. Contact us now to schedule a consultation to discuss all the matters concerning your divorce.
Contested Divorces
A contested divorce will cost more than an uncontested divorce regarding services from a divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. With an uncontested divorce, both involved parties agree on the issues concerning the case. As a result, an attorney will spend less hours working the case. With less time invested, an attorney will charge less in fees.
Child Custody Issues
Disagreements over the custody of children will also affect the cost for a divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. If one party contests custody, it will substantially increase the financial cost of the divorce. Child custody issues can cause the divorce process to become lengthier and require trial preparations. Without discussing these matters first, an attorney will not be able to provide you with the exact cost of services needed to protect your parental rights.
Distribution of Assets
Parties involved in a divorce do not need to have substantial assets to drive up the cost for a divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. Heated battles over the distribution of money or property will require more time preparing to fight for the protection of your best interests. Plus, expert witnesses such as private investigators, accountants, and appraisers may need to testify in the case. If that is required, the fees those experts charge to appear in court will also drive up the financial cost involved.
Beware of the “Flat Fee” Divorce Attorney

You should consider finding another lawyer if you get quoted a flat fee from a divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. An attorney who fits his representation of your interests into a flat fee will likely not do whatever is necessary to protect your bests interests. You can lose a lot by trying to save a few bucks on attorney fees. The future of your finances and parental rights might get jeopardized with discount legal representation.
Request Reservation
Get the experienced legal representation and counsel you need from a Brave Law divorce attorney in Dunlap IL. Send our law firm an email or call 309-228-9136 to Request Reservation now. In addition to divorce law, our firm specializes in traffic law, DUI cases, criminal defense, estate planning, real estate law, and probate law.