Criminal Defense Attorney Near Me for Misdemeanors in Canton IL
The Brave Law Center can represent and defend you against charges for misdemeanors in Canton IL. One incident does not have to drastically alter your life or send you to jail. Though misdemeanor crimes impose less serious penalties than felonies, they bring stronger penalties than civil ordinance tickets or traffic violations. Yet, a misdemeanor charge conviction can still mean serving time in prison. However, you can take steps to build your best defense against criminal charges by hiring a Brave Law criminal defense lawyer. Our experienced criminal trial lawyer can help you in the following ways:
- Expunge crime on your existing criminal record.
- Help you avoid spending time in jail.
- Get charges dropped.
- Prove that the arrest charges are not valid.
- Protect your legal rights in court during a trial.
- Work toward reducing criminal charges to a civil infraction.
- Seek reduction in penalties if there is a conviction.
- Negotiate alternative sentencing with a judge.
Attorneys from the Brave Law Center specialize in criminal defense. Attorney Jason B. Netzley uses years of trial experience and legal practice to deliver the best outcomes to his clients. Contact Brave Law to discuss your case.
What Are Misdemeanors?
In Illinois, the laws outline three different classes of misdemeanors. These classes are defined as Class A, Class B, And Class C. Illinois misdemeanors can bring a maximum sentence of 364 days in jail with a conviction. In addition to being arrested, people accused of misdemeanor crimes will get fingerprinted, have mug shots taken, and have the arrest put on their criminal record. When that happens, the accused can lose out on occupational, educational, and even housing opportunities in the future. Plus, a person who misses court for a misdemeanor charge will get a failure to appear warrant issued for their arrest. That means the accused will get extradited back to Illinois from anywhere they are arrested in the United States.
Class A Misdemeanors
You face potential penalties of fines up to $2,500 and 364 days in jail if convicted of Class A misdemeanors in Canton IL. Typical crimes included in this class of misdemeanor include the following:
- Reckless conduct
- Criminal sexual abuse
- Battery
- Violation of an order of protection
- Theft
- Aggravated assault
- Criminal damage to property
- Solicitation for a prostitute
- Domestic battery
- Retail theft
- Possession of hypodermic needles
- Prostitution
- Criminal trespass to vehicles
- Criminal damage to property
- Resisting or obstructing a police officer
- Criminal defacement to property
- Public indecency
- Criminal trespass to residence
- Deceptive practices
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- Possession of cannabis
- Patronizing a prostitute
- Driving with a suspended or revoked license
- Endangering the Life or Health of a Child
- Interfering With the Reporting of Domestic Violence
Class B Misdemeanors
You face potential penalties such as 180 days in jail and fines up to $1,500 if convicted on Class B misdemeanors in Canton IL. Common crimes in this class of misdemeanor include:
- Window peeking
- Simulating legal processes
- Criminal trespass to land
- Littering
- Harassment by Telephone
- Computer Tampering
- Possession of Cannabis (more than 2.5 grams but not more than 10 grams)
- Altering or Defacing a Serial Number on Machinery
- Picketing a Residence
- Obstruction of Service of Process
- Telephone Harassment
- Aggravated Speeding (30 mph over the posted speeding limit
Class C Misdemeanors
You face potential penalties such as $1,500 in fines and up to 30 days in prison if convicted of Class C misdemeanors in Canton IL. Common crimes that get listed as Class C misdemeanors include assault, possession of cannabis, and disorderly conduct. Most statutes defining criminal activity are collected and organized into the Illinois Criminal Code found in Chapter 720 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Possible penalties are found in the Code of Criminal Procedure in Chapters 725 and 730.

Contact Our Local Criminal Defense Attorney
You face potentially life-changing penalties if you receive a conviction for misdemeanors in Canton IL. Consequently, you should take steps to build your best defense. The most important step is to get criminal defense attorneys from Brave Law Center working to protect your rights and freedom. Call the Brave Law Center now at 309-228-9136 or send us an email to request a consultation.